Delivery Information

Please see below for the most frequently asked questions with regards to deliveries.

How are the delivery fees calculated?

Delivery fees are dependent on the size and weight of the order and are worked out according to which postal code they are sent to. The delivery fee for your total purchase can be viewed in your Shopping Cart before checkout. Should you be looking for a quick estimate before entering all your details you can just enter the postal code.

With regards to higher volumes, we utilise reliable third party transporters that price on each individual enquiry and is dependent on the number of pallets and location.

Where do you deliver to?

We are able to deliver to all cities and towns within the South-African borders.

When will my order be delivered?

There are lead times that are indicated on all of the products that are on display. From the time that the products are dispatched the purchaser will receive their deliveries within 24 – 48 hours. The exact time frame will depend on factors such as the exact location of delivery and size of the order.  Deliveries occur on weekdays within normal business hours (public holidays excluded).

Who will deliver my order?

VA Design makes use of reliable contracted third-party couriers and transporters with a national delivery network.

How will I know when my order is on its way?

Our distribution office will email tracking details to you as soon as your order has been dispatched. The tracking number may be used to track your parcel directly with the 3rd party courier or with our distribution office. This can be done telephonically or on the relevant websites. (Need to find out about the emails and messages related to each delivery)

Anything else I should take note of when my order arrives?

While VA Design makes every effort to ensure that the products are delivered undamaged there are unfortunately occasions where products can be damaged during shipping. It is essential that immediately on arrival your order needs to be cross checked against the weigh bill. Special notice needs to be taken that the quantities delivered matched the delivery note and if the packaging has noticeable damages, please note this on the waybill and report any damages or shortages to us within 24 hours, failure to do this in the allocated time will render any claims null and void.

Multiple Deliveries

On occasions when products are ordered from two different manufacturers, there will be more than one delivery, however, this will be communicated to the purchaser timeously so that it’s not unexpected.

We advise you to read our Terms and Conditions for more detailed information. 

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